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That's the name of the pending podcast currently pointed to this domain for the book,
Breaking Free: A Rebel's Path to Transformation at BreakingFreeToTransform.com.
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For those who haven't read the email...
I walked in on my fiancé’s suicide, became the murder suspect and learned he was in organized crime.
I was 25 years old.
I had no clue what he was involved in, or how to
get out of it... thinking and hoping it would all go away.
There came a moment in this nightmare when I remembered having several meaningful encounters with God while I was very young.
My dad was a pastor so God was a common topic and I was in a spiritual place several times a week so “stuff happened”.
Nobody was around coaching me into anything so I knew GOD WAS REAL, but Dad left the ministry,
church attendance dwindled to major holidays only,
and in a few years my parents divorced and all three of
us kids went into the errors of the 70's culture.
I hadn't thought of God in over a decade, UNTIL NOW!
I fell on my face and offered Him a deal.
Despite my long absence, He showed up in a profound way.
How could I not?
I'd seen the hand of God move the world in my favor so
every waking moment, for six years, I cried out in the silence of my mind, “TALK TO ME! I can't be of any service if I can't hear You.”
I tried reading the bible and it just wasn't what I wanted.
I couldn't get into it.
I wanted THE GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES to talk to me,
to interact with me.
After I established the hearing part, then we could move on to the reading the Bible part, was my thinking.
I NEEDED GOD TO ENGAGE WITH ME and clearly wasn't going to settle for anything less for reasons I can only surmise.
I was adamant, not realizing that when I began hearing Him, it would put me at odds with the entire culture, especially the church crowd.
I was now listening exclusively for God's directives and the world around me was listening to other humans spouting human ideas.
The errors of their way became clear when I became very ill and did what every other churchgoer did.
I went forward for the standard, presumptuous, prayer that God would “bless the [Rx-writing] doctors with wisdom and knowledge in their treatment…”
After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse, so I cancelled three remaining medical tests, their follow-up appointments,
and slid down the wall of the kitchen and cried.
It was a cry of surrender!
I was clueless as to what I had signed up for but He's captured my life for 42+ years now and choregraphed a story we can all learn from.
It has challenged me, blessed me, and cost me almost everything,
but that's what a good story does right?
We don't get many opportunities to read a book
that took 29 years to finish.
It was a complex and ongoing set of challenges that
taught their own lessons about how to resolve them and what our efforts say about our true source of reliance in this world.
It shares proven strategies for finding answers in this life,
not the mere sharing of concepts but proof of a path available to us.
I could've never done this or survived this journey without supernatural help but this is the life I begged for, one of meaning that would help all of humanity who would listen and heed.
The book first came out after 21 years, titled Getting Well God's Way, and immediately began dropping readers to their knees in tears.
Four of them were men!
Two women had significant supernatural encounters while reading it.
One was a physical healing of an injured knee that needed surgery.
She reported that she “took a play from” my playbook and offered God a deal. She made a powerful testimonial video you can still view on https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2018/02/04/reader-has-supernatural-healing-reading-the-book/
The other woman messaged thanking me for writing it
and sharing how she found it,
“I don't know how to eat for my Rheumatoid Arthritis”.
I told her to, “Tell that to God and watch what He does”.
A few hours later she wrote in tears telling of how a Hispanic woman stepped out in front of her cart and literally said,
"God sent me to teach you how to eat" as she began walking her through the entire store teaching her, randomly quoting scripture.
“I think she was an angel”, Brooke wrote.
And that's what happens when we
instead of relying so heavily on other humans
to the exclusion of checking in with our Creator Father!
Had I attempted to answer her inquiry I would've cheated her out of this experience that ignited her spiritual life and physical health efforts. She was heavily involved in church attendance and best friends with the pastors and associate pastors for years and yet she had no idea God would show up for her at this level.
That's a pretty sad testimonial for the seminary trained fake shepherds who could've and should've done what I did when I saw
what was and wasn't happening in the churches.
Congregants were sickly and healings weren't happening.
Someone needed to find out why
instead of ignoring it and carrying on as if that wasn't the reality.
These reader experiences are when I knew it was in fact an important work worthy of all it seemed to destroy
to come into existence.
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I'm a 67-year-old author who has little idea what I'm doing here so
if something isn't working right please email me: